Monday, April 25, 2011

The Ace of Swords

My Cross To Bear
 Some days it can be hard just to find a reason to get out of bed. I try to push myself to getting up at five every morning, so that when I do start a job, I'm in a routine.

The job search is going slowly and although I'm in no danger of losing my bed, my morale slips a little bit everyday.

It wouldn't be so bad, except everytime I walk through town, I get slapped in the face with a reminder of why I'm here.

Laurie Cabot was standing literally just a block from the shelter. I wouldn't dare approach her though, mostly out of respect. But mostly because I don't want her to have a poor opinion of me. As a figurehead in this town, she could have some sway in whether or not I get and can keep the tarot license and I just can't stand the idea of anything else getting in my way of it.

So I'm working on yet another blog. This one deals with my experienecs with Asperger's and the diagnosis itself. I don't expect to be the next Alex Plank, but maybe it will be enough to pay the bills.

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