Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In other news

The downside of people suffering from genuine mental illness is that they can't get help unless they seek it. And it's a little hard to seek help for something when you personally believe that the president has placed a chip in your brain.

There's also a phenomenon known as malingering, which is basically when a person pretends to be mentally ill in order to get a bed in a hospital or a mental home. They take advantage of the food, the bed and basically treat the place like it's a hotel. This takes space from people who actually need help, or who are genuinely unable to take care of themselves due to actual mental illnesses that prevent them from functioning, like schizophrenia and certain stages of bi-polar disorder.

When it comes right down to it, homeless shelters are being overrun by the mentally ill who cannot seek the help they need, even if they were cogniscent to ask for it. These are people that very well could recieve treatment, but their condition only worsens because of the presence of malingerers and professionals in the psychiatric field who play god. (Don't get me started on them)

At times it really does make me wonder how far off we are from a V for Vendetta style turn for the worse, where people who are mentally and financially unfit are rounded up for medical tests.

Oh, wait...

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