Monday, April 11, 2011

Subtle...Subtle as a Rock...Thrown through your window, at the speed of light, light, light

Sing the title to the tune of Solid as a Rock to get the joke. In the meantime, if you're ever curious about what I do in my spare time, this is pretty much it. As long as there are places to access the Internet for free, I will always be there to tell people about my day and about what I have encountered in my travels. If I am able to, I always put pictures up.

My laptop died on me recently. I am currently homeless, but I have a job interview with Best Buy coming up, so wish me luck. If you're able to, burn a green candle and send me your postive energy/prayers. Green represents growth, financial gain, and health. Plus, it's one of my three favorite colors. (You'll have to read on to learn the others)

So if you want to read some of my more solid pieces, follow the linky here.

This blog will be devoted to my efforst to get a newsletter out there. The Morlock's Voice will be successful.

Today I spent some time asking around to see what kind of permits I might need to publish a newsletter that I would charge advertising space in. According to the Salem PD (because the town clerks office is completely useless), the only thing I would need a permit for is if I were distributing something door to door.

And the Morlock's Voice would be more of a waiting room newsletter. The kind you would find in coffee houses, malls, convenience stores, libraries and other places where you can find free literature.

As I am not nearly credible enough to ask for donations up front, I can offer my one true skill. In addition to being a writer, you will notice in my hubpage account that I am also an accomplished Tarot reader. Not as big as Christian Day and definitely not as unethical as Miss Cleo, I am confident enough in my abilities to give honest and direct tarot readings.

I have done them for profit and pleasure and I have met with much success in my home state. It is, after all, why I'm here in Salem, Massechusetts. But before I can read tarot cards for profit, here in town that is, I need a lisence, which I do not yet have and will not be eligible to apply for until I have lived in Salem for a full year. That won't be for a few months now.

However, should you send me money via my paypal account along with an e-mail as to the best time to call you, I would certainly be willing to give you a ring. And well, should the conversation you have paid me to have lead to me grabbing my tarot cards and reading them in a manner that would be conducive to you recieving a fortune, well that would just be a gosh darned coincidence now wouldn't it? They'd be hard pressed to fine me over accepting payment for a tarot reading, when they'd be the ones answering to the Federal government on wiretapping charges now wouldn't they?

After all, it's up to you how you spend your money, right? And not only would it help me reach my goal in the long run, but it would actually reinforce my original reason for being here in witch city.

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